Several weeks ago, we issued an RFQ for User Research as part of our revamp. We received a big number of exciting submissions, and the Drupal Association staff and Content Working Group members had a wonderful time reviewing responses and interviewing potential vendors.

Now, after several weeks of reading and careful debate, we’re thrilled to announce that we’ve selected a vendor for our user research: Whitney Hess!

Throughout the selection process, we were constantly impressed by her professionalism and enthusiasm for the project. We were impressed by Whitney’s experience coaching business leaders on how to more mindfully and compassionately design their products, their companies and themselves, and felt that her life’s mission to put humanity back into business aligns beautifully with the values of the Drupal Association and greater Drupal community. Her unique approach will help us build internal skills in the tech team, which we’ll be able to benefit from even after this project is over.

Congratulations, Whitney! We can’t wait to start working together to make even better for everyone who uses it.


freescholar’s picture

How has this worked out? Where can I find a progress report?