rfqThe Drupal.org Content Working Group recently published a post announcing their plans to reinvent Drupal.org— and we’re trying to get the ball rolling on this major improvement of content, usability and design.

The first step in our plan is to figure out who exactly uses Drupal.org, how, and why… and for that, we need your help. We are now issuing a Request for Quote (RFQ) for the initial user research and analysis that will guide and inform the redesign project.

We want to better understand the makeup of the Drupal.org target audience, whether we are serving them, why they visit, why they leave, and how we can make Drupal.org a better resource.

If you or your company is interested in potentially performing the user research, please see the dates and instructions in the RFQ document for more detail. Also, if you know of a person or company who would be awesome for this project, please encourage them to participate. Thank you! We are excited to get started. Drupal.org User Research RFQ


charlie charles’s picture

People user drupal use stack overflow website instead of drupal.org


it offers better features than drupal.org

Because you get question suggestions.

You get to vote on the best answer .

Plus you see photos of the users.

So it has more sense a community 


Ihope that's helpful




rpayanm’s picture

Drupal.org should improve the way to contributes to the drupal code, we appreciate it if you go with the ease of github ;)


marcelovani’s picture

One of the things that should change is the visibility of work we do for the community.

I have posted a number of patches but if you look at my profile, you will see only few.

Sometimes because the person applying the patch did not provide the author, or sometimes others will make changes on my patch and it will be impossible to assign credit to each author. In other words, there is no history.

Using GitHub will reinforce contribution and collaboration.