Hosting Supporter logoOur members, partners and supporters are the lifeblood of the Drupal Association and everything we do to help foster the Drupal project. Today, we’re making it even easier for organizations to support the Drupal Association and get great benefits in return.

We’re thrilled to announce our new Hosting Supporters Program, which has been specifically designed for Drupal hosting providers who publish great Drupal sites. We frequently hear from hosting providers who want to give back and invest in the project because a rising tide lifts all boats. Since all three of our Supporter programs fund improvements, the Hosting Supporter program is a great new option to do just that. 

The new program brings a third option to our programs for companies (Supporting Partner Program for Drupal design and development shops and Technology Supporter Program for third party software vendors that help build great sites are the other two) and means hosting providers now have a program tailored to their desire to promote Drupal and connect with the community. There are several companies who have already joined.

Why a third option?

We put this together because variety is the spice of life! Well, that, and the fact that our supporter companies enable us to make a difference, and we want to make that as easy as possible for them. It didn’t make sense to bundle hosting providers in with our Tech Supporters program, which is designed for third party software vendors, or Supporting Partner program, which is designed for Drupal design and development shops – so we created a new category.

What is a Hosting Supporter?

A Hosting Supporter is a kind of special organizational member of the Drupal Association. All of our Hosting Supporters get opportunities to connect with the community and provide education. They can also take the Drupal security test and promote that they passed.

How can I become a Hosting Supporter?

To learn more about the Hosting Supporter program, check out the details on the Hosting Supporter Program web page and contact Jess Nelson, Sales Manager, at the Drupal Association.

Would you like to learn more about the opportunities for hosting companies in the Drupal market?

We have created a white paper to help web hosts gain a better understanding of Drupal and the estimated $1 billion opportunity it presents, while also learning about the different ways hosting companies can support the project and stand out in the Drupal community. Download the white paper.