
  • Staffing
  • DrupaCon Website Contracts
  • Google hosting
  • Redesign
  • Treasurer Position


  • Dries Buytaert
  • Angela Byron
  • Tiffany Farriss
  • Larry Garfeild
  • Cary Gordon
  • Gerhard  Killesreiter
  • Jacob Redding
  • Laura Scott
  • Nedjo Rogers


Event Manager

-Position Full-time salaried position

Sponsor Coordinator

-Full-time Salaried position

We are filtering candidates down, expected to choose one applicant by late next week.

DrupalCon Website Contracts

Our Goal is to Build a DrupaCon website that we do not rebuild, there has been problems in past when each team rebuilds the site and we loose continuity and features on the site.

We received 5 full proposals, reviewed by a technical team (how the company would implement the website, i.e: modules, methodology, architecture. We came to the conclusion that we need to heavily use features so we can re-use components from the sight to rebuild website instead of one big sight. The recommendation is to use Growing Ventures solutions to rebuild.

Google Hosting is google hosted, we are in the process of getting moved over to google. This allows for Drupal Association branding. Redesign

Jacob: We are on target to launch the redesign in a few weeks. We are within our budget with contracted help. 

Treasurer Position

We need someone who has over-sight over all financial issues. As of now Jacob is fulfilling this role but we need someone who is consistently looking at the financial statements and someone who has proper signing authority. This is an announcement that we are searching for someone for this position, it is a two year position because you become a legal treasurer in Belgium and the U.S.