About Me: 

Director of Digital UX at Pegasystems, author of a bunch of books and video series for O'Reilly and others. 20 years of design experience, at least half of it on the web. Active member of the Drupal community since 2009.

At events, you'll generally see me either on stage, collaborating during sprints, or knitting/crocheting while listening to a session. You may also see me wandering around with my adorable toddler, known to the Internets as Bump.

Questions for the Candidate

yareckon’s picture

hi danigrrl, do you have anything specific you would want to accomplish as a Board member?

Jeff Veit’s picture

Thanks for asking this question. There's a part of an answer in the video, but I'd also like to see more of a reply.

Also can I ask you yareckon, when did you ask this question? I'm interested in the engagement of the candidates, because we are electing them to represent us. 

frederickjh’s picture

Hi Danigrrl!

If elected (or not) do you think you could do something about the Voting UX? With 19 canidates you can do a lot of scrolling to see where your votes are being placed. It is no wonder that the developers made a confirmation page that shows better the order of your votes. 

This should be on the ballot page. My simple idea. Have a line on the page. Canidates all start below that line. Using draggable views you can drag the canidates above the line and then order them according to your wishes. Canidates that remain below the line do not get a position for the ballot being cast.

It would be nice to not see this voting interface again but something where it is much easier to reorder canidates currently it is a pain if another canidate is already in the slot you want to position someone in. You have to first move the other canidate then move the one you wanted to move in the first place. A draggable interface would solve all of this.
