About Me: 

I am an newly converted Drupal fan!  A fan nonetheless. It has been a CMS that I have toyed with for the past 3 years. Today, I am in a position where I get to interact with people (end useres & developers) using Drupal from all over the world. I am in charge of a team that provides 24/7, 365 support for Drupal. The more I get acclimated to it the more I am enthralled with things such as its scalability. It is awesome! When I find things that that I believe in it is important for me to make sure I am front and center with expressing to the world how awesome it is. 

I am currently a Director of Support for a web hosting compnay. As I talk with customers and understand their passion, purpose and projects I get to find out even more about how they are using Drupal. By asking the right questions and hearing what their end game will be I understand why they chose Drupal as a better fit .

It is vital that those end users get into the correct CMS as well as be heard when they do. When they use Drupal, I get to directly talk with them, see how they are using it, follow what they are adding, moduels they are using and what their comments are as far as the end user experience.

After all, Drupal is a great CMS but we're needing end users to become evanelist and then we need to know what they are needing/looking for next from the Drupal community. I am in a position to serve as a point person to hear, respond and report that feedback. Very valuable feedback I might add.  I am not shy about recommending Drupal and those that I have done so (depending on what they are looking to do) have been happy with it.

I'm submitting my name for one real reason. I know I can help push this CMS forward and serve as a voice for the community when needed.

Questions for the Candidate

Jeff Veit’s picture

What problems do you think that the community faces, and how could you help us solve them?

Jeff Veit’s picture

Not to be negative, but it's the 15th today. Voting closes in 3 days, and I asked this about a week ago.

As a supplementary question - how would you interact with the community to represent us?