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Are you doing great things with Drupal, or for Drupal? Do you know someone who is? Have you heard of great ways that Drupal is making a difference in a community? The Drupal Association is always looking for news to report on or stories to tell. Whether it's a big-budget company doing something great or an individual volunteering his or her time to do good and be good with Drupal, we appreciate every story lead we receive.

Submission guidelines:

  • It has to relate to Drupal. While we're not looking for technical material, there does need to be a tie-in to Drupal somehow. 
  • We do not post promotional or marketing material. While sending us links to press releases is fine, every story we tell is focused on the human and community aspect-- not the business one!
  • Include as many links as is reasonable. The more sources of information you can give us, the better-- but don't feel the need to go overboard.
  • If you want to write a story and post it to our blog, send us a pitch. However, even if we like your pitch, there's no guarantee that we'll put up your post, and if we do, we reserve the right to edit it as necessary.
  • Please be as thorough as possible in your submission. Example:

No Drupal used for charity websites


Yes A Drupal developer (whatstaters_precious) living in Middle Earth volunteered over 9,000 hours to build a website for the Hungry Hungry Hobbits charity. The website was centered around the "Hobbits for Elevensies" campaign, which aims to raise awarenss of the importance of eating seven square meals a day. Because of the campaign, which would not have been possible without website, 99% of hobbits in the Shire are now eating elevensies, up from 98.5% before the campaign launched. This has led to a total economic revolution in the surrounding community due to an increased demand for cheese and pints at the Prancing Pony in Bree.

Link to website: http://hobbitsforelevensies.com

Link to dev profile: https://drupal.org/user/

Link to press release from Hungry Hungry Hobbits about the campaign: http://hobbitsforelevensies.com/hobbits-hunger-no-more

Drupal is fun and our stories should be, too! Even if you just see something cool and interesting (such as Drupal graffiti, for example) send it along. We'd love to see it.

Thank you for your submission!