Drupal.org improvements

As usual, a lot of big and small deployments happened on Drupal.org during the past 2 weeks. RTBC patches are now being automatically re-tested (thanks jthorson!). Module index page is back, as well as full pager on issue listings, except for text search pages (thanks drumm!).

There is a new block available in your Dashboard on Drupal.org - “Your security issues”. The block will display the issues you have access to on security.drupal.org. Thanks mlhess and drumm!

Jaypan worked on removing 'Add new forum topic' link from Forum top page, in an attempt to reduce a number of posts created in the wrong section of the Forum.

trobey worked on heuristic preferring projects with the same name as the module.

Other deployments include fixing missing color blocks in the style guide (thanks mgifford and mparker17!), improving issue metrics gathering code, increasing size of titles in Search results, fixing home page activity map tooltips (thanks drumm!).

The discovery process for supporting Drupal core semantic versioning now has a contractor, ergonlogic. Follow progress and help create the plan. This is a discovery process, so more eyes on the problem are good.

marvil07 is putting plumbing into place for comments for commit messages on issues.

User pictures are coming to Drupal.org, see how they will be used in issue comments.

Drumm is bringing metrics back to project pages, in preparation for a new metric.

Drupal.org infrastructure

OpenStack networking is complete. We are now building base images and testing deployments of VMs on the new OpenStack cluster.

Last week we found the Drupal.org backend switch failing, and have temporarily mitigated the problem. This week we are purchasing a new switch and returning the failed switch for repairs.

Other news

Drupal Job board

We have selected a vendor and will be making an announcement this week. Expect to find out more about the project then. We are very excited to get started with the development of the board!

Drupal.org support

Since last week lizzjoy, the Drupal Association staff member, started helping us with the Drupal.org support requests in the issue queues. She is just starting, but expect to see her in the queues more and more. She’ll be helping with Marketplace review requests, spam reports, and all other usual requests Content, Webmasters and other queues.

Drupal.org sprint at Drupal Developer Days Szeged

If you are attending or thinking about attending Drupal Developer Days 2014 in Szeged, Hungary, we are excited to announce that there will be 7 day Drupal.org improvements sprint, Monday through Sunday. tvn will be there to lead the sprint and answer your questions. Come and fix that one thing, which is annoying you about our website, make it better for yourself and everyone else!

And, of course, don't forget to follow our Twitter account for the latest news an announcements!

As always, we’d like to say thanks to all volunteers who are working with us and to the Drupal Association Supporting Partners and Technology Supporters, who made it possible for us to work on these projects. The Supporting Partner Program crowd sources funds that pay for the development team’s time and Drupal.org hosting costs.

Cross-posting from g.d.o/drupalorg


lizzjoy’s picture

Hi everyone,

I look forward to helping where I am needed. Thanks to you for doing so much to help each other in the issue queues.