Drupal.org improvements

During the past two weeks we deployed a few Bluecheese issues (#2191021, #2194421, #1195950), accessibility issues (#2095969), Project issues (#2195621, #2184161, #2125307, #2193857, #2159429. Thanks to LewisNyman, mgifford, cafuego, tim.plunkett, trobey and Mark Carver for working on them.

The Drupal.org Software Working Group approved budget for a detailed discovery process for supporting Drupal core semantic versioning. As I mentioned last week, we were looking for a contractor to take this project on. Seems like we found on and the work should start soon.

The Developer Tools team, appointed by the Drupal.org Software Working Group, started regular public meetings. Watch https://groups.drupal.org/drupalorg for announcements. More information about the team can be found at https://drupal.org/node/2202557. This team will be driving force behind the 3 ‘quick win’ features we are working on right now:

  • back-link commit messages on issues
  • enable user pictures on Drupal.org
  • redesign project pages to better highlight existing and new metrics

Leigh Carver joined the Drupal Association as a content writer. For Drupal.org she will be working on Case Studies and Community Spotlight section, both helping community members with their submissions and writing new content. Expect to see her in issue queues pretty soon!

We are also working on getting Customer service coordinator on staff, so that our brave community moderators could get some help fighting spam and answering other Drupal.org related requests.

Drupal.org infrastructure

Drupal.org database sanitization whitelist snapshots are nearly ready for testing. The whitelist will ensure database structure changes require adding the new or removed column/table to the whitelist; improving security of the sanitized snapshots for Drupal.org development.

We are also researching CDN providers and looking in to putting static asset caching and SSL offloading in place from a CDN for Drupal.org. This should improve page response times across the globe.

Jeremy Thorson is working on Modernizing testbot. Here are some recent updates from him: https://groups.drupal.org/node/408603.

Drupal.org Working Groups Updates

The Drupal.org Content WG is getting ready to start user research project for Drupal.org, budget for which they secured last year. RFQ is being prepared, to be released pretty soon.

The Drupal.org Software WG is appointing Community Tools Team this week and is already preparing the next few teams.

The Drupal.org Infrastructure WG is discussing ways to make the Drupal.org infrastructure more resilient to failures, and how to reduce page load times.

As always, we’d like to say thanks to all volunteers who are working with us and to the Drupal Association Supporting Partners and Technology Supporters, who made it possible for us to work on these projects. The Supporting Partner Program crowd sources funds that pay for the development team’s time and Drupal.org hosting costs.

Cross-posting from g.d.o/drupalorg